My Writing Week: Issue 21, Year 5.
Hi all, It’s good to hear that writers I have interacted with online are having success in the publishing world. Anthony J Langford has just had his excellent novella, The Bottomless River , published. I reviewed it in my last blog post . I am currently a third of the way into Karen Tyrrell’s memoir Me and Her , which she recently published. It tells of her battle with bipolar and is an engrossing tale. Karen was gracious enough to allow me to interview her for an article I wrote for Divine last year. And David Kitson has found an agent for his excellent self-published ebook Turing Evolved . I have previously posted a review of Turing Evolved on this blog. The quality of their stories/writing tell me that it is ridiculously hard to find a traditional publisher these days. But their determination and a changing publishing industry show that there are new ways to succeed. New Divine Article. Divine posted a new article of mine about people with disabil...