Review of True Path, by Graham Storrs.
True Path is either a techno-thriller or a science-fiction thriller, depending on the reader. Whatever label chosen, technology, in the form of time-travel, is a big part of the story. True Path is a sequel to the very good Timesplash, which showed the awesome destructive powers of time-travel. In Timesplash, author Graham Storrs, came up with a truly original take on the effects of going back in time and changing events. Time would rebound from any changes, correcting them. Depending on the magnitude of the changes, a backwash would hit the present time epicentre where the changes occurred. In Timesplash the people using the time-machines were thrill-seekers. Their search for bigger and greater thrills created increasingly devastating backwashes. In True Path the thrillseekers are replaced by terrorists. But this is no cliché as the terrorists aren’t Arab Muslims, instead they are American Christians. The main characters from Timesplash, time agent Jay and th...