My writing week 2(15)

Hi all,

I'm a bit late with this week's post because a rabbit kept on giving me chocolate treats and delicious fruit buns with plus signs iced on them. My wagon also broke down - after nearly six months - and I had a couple of drinks. I had the house to myself for a few days so I practiced being a slob. I was getting pretty good at it, until work intervened. Nothing like getting up at 4am for work to get you back into craving healthy living.

I watched a few movies including the remake of Planet of the Apes, which wasn't as terrible as I remembered. I still think the original is a classic.

I did some editing, finishing the first chapter of the novel and beginning the second. The first chapter only grew by about 300 words.

I only critiqued one story. I was put off by the first story emailed to me being written by a person whose main language is not English. I would have spent days writing the critique. After the first 1,000 words I still had no idea what the story's speculative fiction element was, all it seemed to be about was some hoods trying to act cool. I threw that story in the bin and tried another. The second one was classified as science-fiction - Wrong - it nearly slipped into horror, but I thought it was more of a thriller. It was well written though and an enjoyable read, therefore a pleasure to critique.

I did some reading in the first part of the week and will probably review the novel I am reading next week, where you will learn about the major typo/discontinuity problem I found on one page.

Time to do some editing.



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