My writing week 3 (32)

Hi all,

Not much to report on the writing front this week so this will be a brief post.

I still haven't heard from Divine the online magazine that I sent a couple of articles too. I sent them an email last Monday and was told that they would get back to all submitters later that week, they didn't.

A couple of weeks ago Divine sent an email asking if they could run one of the articles I had written. I said I would be happy for them to use it if it meant that I would be getting a contract. They sent another email saying they were yet to decide on the writing contracts. A few days later when I looked at the Divine website there was my ebook article.

I had a choice of asking them to take it down and perhaps causing them to look negatively at my application, or to let leave it up and hope that Divine had reasonable ethics, it is run by a State Government department. I should have been clearer with my emails, but not wishing to offend...oh well, I can only live and learn.

I did a bit more writing of my novella, I seem to be getting further and further away from its end.

For the environment, the poor, the non-christian, for Australia's future infrastructure development, for multiculturalism, for Australia's original inhabitants and for a fairer Australia, I hope Abbott doesn't get in this weekend. The only informed people who would vote for Abbott are rich, male, white Christians.



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